Miss 1965


If you have lived anywhere in the vicinity of a military base, you have seen one of these tables!! I think they had a variety of uses, and they are everywhere….but, notoriously ugly. Gray, just gray and unappealing. I hope I have given her a more appealing new look! Painted after sanding in Valspar Tropical Oasis Gloss, such a pretty color. Despite the sanding, the top still had quite a few imperfections. I had this Susan Winget fabric called, Birds of a Feather, for another project, but I think it worked well on top of this table. It is being sealed with clear acrylic spray. The dimensions are 32in wide, 60 in long, and about 30 1/2 inches tall. It has one drawer, in the middle on one side. I can see being used in a lot of different ways, craft table, desk, even a kitchen table. It will be at the cabin at Farmer’s Market on Saturday.

Shared at http://www.missmustardseed.com

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